Vehicle Inspections Web App For The AA

Vehicle Inspections Web Application For The AA

The Automobile Association (The AA) is a UK motoring association providing breakdown cover, driving lessons, motoring advice, and financial services including insurance, loans and other services.

For many years The AA have provided a Vehicle Inspection service, allowing prospective buyers of used vehicles to obtain an impartial trusted report on the condition of the vehicle. Traditionally this service has always been sold through the call centre with no online presence.

Clarity Software Solutions were engaged to help The AA provide an online quote and buy facility for their Vehicle Inspections service, ensuring branding and technology consistency with their other online offerings.

The AA already had a large established investment in Java and Spring based applications, with a growing ecosystem of AngularJS front end applications. A json REST API was designed and developed using Java 7 and Spring MVC, with the front end built in Angular. Java unit and integration tests were written with jUnit and Mockito, while the client side build infrastructure used grunt, karma and jasmine. The main project maven pom used the ant plugin to call the grunt tasks, allowing Jenkins to build, test and deploy the project.

The project was deployed through test, UAT, and into production as per plan, and is delivering business value.

